Sunday, March 14, 2010

a Year of Wine

Last week I started a journey that I will surely enjoy and also try to document for the next year.  I owe most if not all of the idea to a good friend of mine who recently finished his quest of trying a different beer every day for a whole year.  Of course being a beer man myself I wanted to jump right into this as well, then I looked down at my aging and growing belly and decided that might not be the best idea (you see my friend is one of those guys with a metabolism that works overtime).  Then I thought, and of course this thought process was out-loud to my beautiful wife Natascia that I should do this, just with wine.  At first she thought I was crazy, I'm sure because one would assume this would mean I would be drinking a new bottle of wine every day for a year, but I was sure to change this up a bit to a new wine a week.  Both my liver and my wallet will agree this was the correct move.  Being the caring woman she is and she knows that I love a challenge and a hobby she started me off with 3 very nice bottles of wine for my birthday.  Now these wines won't be the usual that I will be writing about as I am an not an expert in fines wines...who am I kidding I'm not expert at wine period.  What I am though is a guy that enjoys a variety of nice wines and also the challenge of finding them at affordable prices.

The Task: I will be tasting and more importantly documenting a new wine every week for 52 weeks.  Now I am no connoisseur, nor am I a great writer, that is what makes this journey that much more interesting.  I hope to bring an assortment of different wines and will be sure to take advantage of my annual trip to Italy to visit Natascia's family.  I'll even try to throw in what I may think is a suitable food paring should I dare to go that direction.  What I do know is that I will have fun doing this for the year and am sure I will discover some new favorites as well as some bottles I will be sure to never touch again, that is what is so great about wine. I know in this year that I will grow a greater appreciation, as well as learn a thing or two about this fermented juice we call wine.

This is my Unsophisticated, Unnatural, Unusual, Unbiased look at UN...expensive wine!


  1. Sounds like a fun trip. Bring on the vineyards of Umbria, Toscana, Calabria, Napa, Sonoma, Alsace, Bordeaux, Buenos Aires, Coquimbo, Aconcaqua, and Waiheke Island and Gisborne. Bring em all my young friend. I'm strapped in a ready for a 52 week ride.

  2. I am so excited and honored to be on this journey of word and palette! This is an adventure we can all enjoy to be led by one of the nicest people on this planet, my son!!!

  3. This sounds like the Drink-Olympics we just had, but just with wine and year to complete. You and your friends should prepare for the Drink-Olympics in 2012. I "visited" 30 countries in the span of 2 weeks, but some were visits were with tea. I look forward to your reviews.
