I'm sure many of you would be more familiar with this wine if I refer to it with its street name of, "2 buck chuck". And for those of you not fortunate enough to have a Trader Joe's nearby, the nickname is pure fact...good ol' chuck sells this wine for $2.99.
Now I'm not gonna go into too much depth about this wine as this week was more for the experience than anything. Natascia and I headed up to Maine this weekend to See my Dad and Laura, and finally got to go skiing, sorry snowboarding, for the first time this season. Anyone paying attention may realize that technically we waited till the first day of spring to hit the slopes. What a day, had to be 65 degrees and the sun was bright as can be. I got to spend some time with Natascia and she was shredding some true trails before you knew it, even the lift guy commented on how quick she was picking up the sport. One thing about this kind of weather however is it's sticky and takes a toll on the legs, not to mention if you’re learning you are bound to get soaked. Natascia didn't mind this at all though and insisted Dad and I take a couple runs up top. This topped the great day as we were flying down with no need for jackets or hats. This would have been the perfect day if it weren't for a wounded soldier, the wet glue that we called snow that day claimed Laura's knee early on and unfortunately sidelined her for the weekend and hopefully not too much longer. Being the trooper she is though, she did not let this get her down and we had a great time for the rest of the weekend.
This is where the wine came in, after a nice warm day on the slopes a nice crisp Pinot Grigio goes down nice and smooth. Now remember this bottle cost $2.99, but to be absolutely honest it drinks like an average $10 bottle of wine. Very smooth with hints of apple, the one thing to be ready for is the slight sourness, I am big fan of sour so this suited me very well. I would recommend this bottle to anyone; however this can only be purchased at Trader Joe's so for those that do not have one nearby may want to splurge on the $36 case when you come across one (I know $36 a case is hard for me to believe too). If you are having a function and are stumped at what to buy for wine you cannot go wrong with this, Charles Shaw makes many more varieties as well which I'm sure you will hear plenty about in later post.